venerdì 31 agosto 2007
The Champioooooooonnnnssss!!!!! (pa-pa-pa-pà!)
Girone A
Olympique Marsiglia
Girone B
Schalke 04
Girone C
Olympiakos Pireo
Real Madrid
Werder Brema
Girone D
Celtic Glasgow
Shaktar Donetsk
Girone E
Rangers Glasgow
Vfb Stoccarda
Girone F
Dynamo Kiev
Manchester United
Sporting Lisbona
Girone G
CSKA Mosca
PSV Eindhoven
Girone H
Slavia Praga
Steaua Bucarest
Vincente tra AEK e Siviglia
Sono così composti i gironi della Champion's League 2007/2008.
Qualche rapido commento:
Girone A:
Il Liverpool sembra avere la strada spianata; l'Olympique Marsiglia non è granché, e il Porto di oggi non spaventa. Il Besiktas può essere la sorpresa del girone. E io posso vincere al Superenalotto.
Girone B:
Come al solito, al Chelsea capita il girone più sfigato. Il Valencia è una brutta gatta da pelare, e lo Schalke non va sottovalutato. Anche il Rosenborg, come tutte le squadre nordiche, può essere rognoso se incontrato in autunno, anche se il Chelsea ha il vantaggio di giocarsi la prima in casa.
Ma non c'è problema: gli inglesi sono abituati a superare la fase a gruppi sudando sette camicione, per poi farsi eliminare nei quarti o nelle semifinali. Riuscirà Mourinho ad arrivare a Mosca, senza farsi spiegare la strada - rigorosamente in nglese - da Shevchenko?
Girone C:
La Lazio dovrà tirare fuori gli attributi per passare nel gruppo C, ma siamo convinti che possa farcela. Il Real Madrid di Schuster non è che l'ombra della bella squadra di un tempo, e non ha neanche la cattiveria di capelliana memoria, che sopperiva alle carenza tecniche. Le merengues non avranno vita facile il 3 ottobre a Roma, in mezzo ai gladiatori biancocelesti. Il Werder visto contro il Bayern è poca cosa, senza Klose ha perso gran parte del suo potenziale offensivo e la difesa fa acqua da tutte le parti. L'Olympiakos Pireo si affiderà ancora una volta all'estro di Djordjevic, arzillo vecchietto in cerca delle ultime glorie tra un'artrite e l'altra, e a Darko Kovacevic. Che però non è lo stesso che pensate voi!
Girone D:
Gruppo non così scarso come vogliono farvi credere, quello dei rossoneri. Il Benfica è una nobile decaduta del calcio europeo, ma come ogni squadra portoghese può sempre... Tenere palla 90 minuti senza mai tirare in porta! Il Celtic ha già messo in difficoltà il Milan l'anno scorso con grinta, corsa e carattere e ha quel pippo... Scusate, quel campioncino di Nakamura, sempre pericoloso su punizione. Lo Shakthar ha quel Lucarelli che a Dida ha segnato spesso (ok, tutti hanno segnato spesso a Nelson, ma questo è un altro discorso). Attenti rossoneri, la strada per Mosca è lastricata di troppa sicurezza nei propri mezzi!
Girone E:
Altro bel girone, con il favoritissimo Barcellona a vedersela con l'eterna incompiuta Lione; i freschi campioni di Germania dello Stoccarda, con Fernando Meira ad illuminare per Marica (che non è la sorella di Zidane); e i sorprendenti Power Rangers di Glasgow, che quando c'è da combattere non si tirano mai indietro. Vedremo cosa combineranno i Fantastici 4 (che causa infortunio di Eto'o sono già diventati il Galaxy Trio): Galactus Grosso è già pronto a mangiarseli in un sol boccone!
Girone F:
Tra le italiane, peggio di tutti è andata alla Roma di Spalletti, chiamata ad esami di maturità importanti, come la doppia rivincita con il Manchester United, già responsabile della sonora bocciatura dell'anno scorso ai danni dei giallorossi. Lo Sporting Lisbona è una formazione solida, già capace di mettere in crisi l'Inter dei record, e la Dynamo Kiev spera ancora di accogliere tra le sue fila il figliol prodigo Sheva, se non ora, magari a Gennaio (tanto con Mourinho in Champion's non vedrà mai il campo!)
Girone difficile da prevedere, ma che "rischia" di essere il più divertente di tutti.
Girone G:
Nel girone G, solo l'omonimo mago potrebbe togliere all'Inter una scontata qualificazione. Poco più di una passerella, per la fiera compagine nerazzurra, questa competizione con il dopolavoro della Philips di Eindhoven, il CSKA Mosca (messo in questo girone solo per permettere all'Inter di fare un viaggio esplorativo nella capitale Russa prima della finale, alla ricerca dei migliori ristoranti per festeggiare l'inevitabile vittoria) e i turchi del Fenerbahce di Zico, pronto a ripetere i suoi exploit alla guida della nazionale giapponese anche in Champion's. Inter già vincente prima ancora di scendere in campo!
Girone H:
No comment. Seriamente, a chi cazzo volete che interessi 'sto girone fuffa? Da supporter dei Gunners, sono contento per loro. Basta. Se volete altre informazioni, rivolgetevi a Maurizio Mosca!
lunedì 27 agosto 2007
I 5 momenti più belli della 1° giornata
5° posto: Montolivo
4° posto: Bellucci
3° posto: Aquilani
2° posto: Rosina
1° posto: Baldini
4° posto: Bellucci
3° posto: Aquilani
2° posto: Rosina
1° posto: Baldini
domenica 26 agosto 2007
Punizione diretta #1
Prima partita della stagione per i campioni d'Italia, bloccati in casa da un brutto pareggio con il Chievo. Un match dai ritmi davvero blandi e faticosi, da partita del cuore, e di fatto all'Inter mancano in attacco la vivacità di Ramazzotti e a centrocampo le idee e il fosforo di Gianni Morandi.
La squadra nerazzurra dura di fatto un solo tempo, in cui però gioca discretamente, più che per meriti suoi, per una timidezza congenita nei giovani giocatori del Sochaux. Di cui però si sbarazzano presto, dopo le esperienze del primo bacio, delle vacanze senza genitori, e violando più volte il coprifuoco alle undici.
Sull'uno a zero la partita sembra tutto sommato chiusa, con un gol di Stankovic propiziato da un discontinuo Ibrahimovic (che in quanto testimonial di Mediaset Premium ci sta sul culo), e l'inesperienza giovanile del Modena sembra fare pari con la condizione fisica maradoniana dei giocatori di Mancini. Ma giustamente Julio Cesar, fino ad allora migliore in campo con due ottime parate, pensa bene di fare una simpatica cappella. Espulsione, ed inizio di una sofferenza tipo Calvario, come non si vedeva dai tempi di Simoni.
Ma bisogna aspettare l'epilogo della partita per il gol del Verona, che di fatto sancisce un pareggio tutto sommato giusto. Quest'anno ci sarà da soffrire.
Julio Cesar: 5
Due parate spettacolari che lo incoronano miglior giocatore, per poi combinare una ingenuità colossale che lo condanna. Come avere l'esperienza sessuale più appagante della tua vita, e mettere incinta la partner al contempo.
Maicon: 5
La persona ideale da avere dietro in coda in banca: non spinge mai.
Cordoba: 5
Esempio più unico che raro di stopper nano, soffre la mancanza di una donna barbuta e di un mangiatore di spade albino per completare un circo di freak.
Samuel: 6
Non fa rimpiangere Materazzi. Specie alla sorella di Zidane.
Maxwell: 5.5
Finisce presto la benzina. In mezzo al deserto.
Stankovic: 6.5
Cuore e gol. La precisione ha da venire.
Dacourt: 5
Fa cagare.
Chivu: 5.5
Così lento e compassato da conciliare il sonno.
J. Zanetti: 5.5
Gioca una delle partite peggiori della sua carriera e prende cinque e mezzo. Ma quando gioca al meglio è da sei e mezzo al massimo.
Figo: 6
L'ardore di un tempo c'è tutto. La classe è intatta. Ma il film Cocoon in fondo era solo fantascienza.
Suazo: 5
Ricorda Camilla Parker Bowles: impalpabile.
Cruz: 5
Così sterile che se volesse dei figli dovrebbe adottarli.
Ibrahimovic: 6
Sembra una puntata di My Name Is Earl: un paio di trovate geniali in mezzo a un sacco di stronzate.
All. Mancini: 5.5
Il Villareal si riconferma la sua bestia nera.
La squadra nerazzurra dura di fatto un solo tempo, in cui però gioca discretamente, più che per meriti suoi, per una timidezza congenita nei giovani giocatori del Sochaux. Di cui però si sbarazzano presto, dopo le esperienze del primo bacio, delle vacanze senza genitori, e violando più volte il coprifuoco alle undici.
Sull'uno a zero la partita sembra tutto sommato chiusa, con un gol di Stankovic propiziato da un discontinuo Ibrahimovic (che in quanto testimonial di Mediaset Premium ci sta sul culo), e l'inesperienza giovanile del Modena sembra fare pari con la condizione fisica maradoniana dei giocatori di Mancini. Ma giustamente Julio Cesar, fino ad allora migliore in campo con due ottime parate, pensa bene di fare una simpatica cappella. Espulsione, ed inizio di una sofferenza tipo Calvario, come non si vedeva dai tempi di Simoni.
Ma bisogna aspettare l'epilogo della partita per il gol del Verona, che di fatto sancisce un pareggio tutto sommato giusto. Quest'anno ci sarà da soffrire.
Julio Cesar: 5
Due parate spettacolari che lo incoronano miglior giocatore, per poi combinare una ingenuità colossale che lo condanna. Come avere l'esperienza sessuale più appagante della tua vita, e mettere incinta la partner al contempo.
Maicon: 5
La persona ideale da avere dietro in coda in banca: non spinge mai.
Cordoba: 5
Esempio più unico che raro di stopper nano, soffre la mancanza di una donna barbuta e di un mangiatore di spade albino per completare un circo di freak.
Samuel: 6
Non fa rimpiangere Materazzi. Specie alla sorella di Zidane.
Maxwell: 5.5
Finisce presto la benzina. In mezzo al deserto.
Stankovic: 6.5
Cuore e gol. La precisione ha da venire.
Dacourt: 5
Fa cagare.
Chivu: 5.5
Così lento e compassato da conciliare il sonno.
J. Zanetti: 5.5
Gioca una delle partite peggiori della sua carriera e prende cinque e mezzo. Ma quando gioca al meglio è da sei e mezzo al massimo.
Figo: 6
L'ardore di un tempo c'è tutto. La classe è intatta. Ma il film Cocoon in fondo era solo fantascienza.
Suazo: 5
Ricorda Camilla Parker Bowles: impalpabile.
Cruz: 5
Così sterile che se volesse dei figli dovrebbe adottarli.
Ibrahimovic: 6
Sembra una puntata di My Name Is Earl: un paio di trovate geniali in mezzo a un sacco di stronzate.
All. Mancini: 5.5
Il Villareal si riconferma la sua bestia nera.
jeBem (vol. 1)
Comincia un campionato popolarmente considerato minore, soprattutto nell'Anno I° d.J. (dopo la Juve), e invece si inizia subito con alcune sorprese assolutamente inaspettate e con delusioni clamorose.
Giornata positiva per l'AlbinoLeffe che rimonta alla grande un doppio svantaggio a uno Spezia che forse ha qualche problema di spogliatoio (troppi giocatori e non tutti in grado di ben figurare in B).
Incredibile Pisa corsaro a Bari: Materazzi senior dovrà sbrigarsi a trovare la quadratura ma sulla carta i galletti non dovrebbero avere problemi alla distanza.
Conferme di pronostico per l'Ascoli del probabile capocannoniere Soncin - l'altro mio candidato alla vittoria ha segnato pure lui, Tiribocchi - contro un Piacenza che non pare aver sostituito adeguatamente chi è andato via (e a gennaio saluterà anche Cacia); per il Brescia che in casa difficilmente perderà punti grazie a una rosa affidabile e ben diretta da Cosmi; per il Lecce già menzionato che nei ruoli di metà campo e in attacco ha complessivamente pochi rivali.
Un po' deludenti il Vicenza che ha consegnato la gara ai ragazzi bresciani, il Treviso che batte il derelitto Avellino solo su rigore (inesistente, tra l'altro) e le emiliano-romagnole che nel derby pensano innanzitutto a non buscarle.
Molto deludente il Mantova - che non rientra comunque nel mio pronostico alla vittoria finale, nonostante i tanti "nomi" (Fiore, Godeas, Corona, Passoni) in una rosa numericamente striminzita - che paga lo scotto di un manico non all'altezza; così come il Chievo che in casa di un Cesena ancora in assemblaggio non riesce a fare sua la gara, passando anzi in svantaggio.
Nulla da segnalare per Frosinone, Triestina e Messina: grige realtà in odore di campionato anonimo.
Giornata positiva per l'AlbinoLeffe che rimonta alla grande un doppio svantaggio a uno Spezia che forse ha qualche problema di spogliatoio (troppi giocatori e non tutti in grado di ben figurare in B).
Incredibile Pisa corsaro a Bari: Materazzi senior dovrà sbrigarsi a trovare la quadratura ma sulla carta i galletti non dovrebbero avere problemi alla distanza.
Conferme di pronostico per l'Ascoli del probabile capocannoniere Soncin - l'altro mio candidato alla vittoria ha segnato pure lui, Tiribocchi - contro un Piacenza che non pare aver sostituito adeguatamente chi è andato via (e a gennaio saluterà anche Cacia); per il Brescia che in casa difficilmente perderà punti grazie a una rosa affidabile e ben diretta da Cosmi; per il Lecce già menzionato che nei ruoli di metà campo e in attacco ha complessivamente pochi rivali.
Un po' deludenti il Vicenza che ha consegnato la gara ai ragazzi bresciani, il Treviso che batte il derelitto Avellino solo su rigore (inesistente, tra l'altro) e le emiliano-romagnole che nel derby pensano innanzitutto a non buscarle.
Molto deludente il Mantova - che non rientra comunque nel mio pronostico alla vittoria finale, nonostante i tanti "nomi" (Fiore, Godeas, Corona, Passoni) in una rosa numericamente striminzita - che paga lo scotto di un manico non all'altezza; così come il Chievo che in casa di un Cesena ancora in assemblaggio non riesce a fare sua la gara, passando anzi in svantaggio.
Nulla da segnalare per Frosinone, Triestina e Messina: grige realtà in odore di campionato anonimo.
venerdì 24 agosto 2007
Serie B 2007/2008
Ci siamo.
Inizia il campionato di B 2007/2008.
Tutti i giornali danno per favorite Bologna e Brescia; personalmente non ne sono così convinto.
Entrambe, ora come ora, mese di agosto, hanno qualche problemino davanti: il Bologna non può fare un campionato con il solo Marazzina in attacco (non per niente la punta è il primo obiettivo del mercato), il Brescia ha un'enorme incognita come Bazzani e un discreto, ma non prolificissimo, attaccante come Possanzini.
A fare dei pronostici, il risultato è uno solo: la figura di merda.
Ma visto che non me ne frega niente, ecco a voi le mie puntate, con la doverosa precisazione che sono analisi fatte adesso, ad una settimana dalla fine del mercato (e sappiamo che è negli ultimi giorni che si movimenta davvero) e con un mercato di riparazione di gennaio che potrebbe sconvolgere tutti gli equilibri.
LA PROMOZIONE. Se dovessi puntare su 3 nomi, direi Lecce, Chievo e Mantova.
Il Lecce ha una rosa di lusso, con giocatori superbi per la B: Zanchetta, Tiribocchi, Valdes, Abbruscato, Ariatti; ha un allenatore - Papadopulo - che tira sempre fuori il meglio dalle proprie squadre, e una società attenta ai talenti dei campionati inferiori e esteri.
Il Chievo probabilmente si proverà di diversi giocatori, ma adesso è estremamente competitivo: un attacco come Bogdani-Pellissier-Obinna farebbe gola a tante squadre di A. In più ha una dirigenza seria, che non guasta mai.
Il Mantova pagherà l'abbandono di Di Carlo, ma ha un presidente con tanta voglia di A e un portafoglio gonfio, un attacco formato da due eccellenti punte come Corona e Godeas, supportate da Fiore e un centrocampo capace di trovare la rete.
Ovviamente da tenere in considerazione Bologna, Brescia (che in panchina a Cosmi, non scordiamocelo), Rimini (che partirà fortissimo, come sempre) e forse anche il Piacenza. Messina e Ascoli non le vedo così attrezzate per un pronto ritorno in A.
LA SALVEZZA. L'Avellino lo vedo già spacciato. Spezia e Frosinone temo che faranno tanta fatica. Grosseto e Pisa, neopromosse, dovranno stare molto attente. Da questi nomi dovrebbero uscire le retrocesse.
LE SORPRESE. A mio parere saranno Modena, Bari e Ravenna che faranno più di quanto ci aspetti da loro. Vedremo.
Tra due mesi mi rimangerò tutto ciò che ho scritto.
Offerte sky
Ok, sono nuovo, primo post, saluti a tutti. Mi ha invitato il buon Scarlet, sono juventino, bresciano, se ci sono problemi, parlatene con lui.
Mi andava di parlare dell'"offerta" sky. 99 euro per l'andata del campionato.
In pratica il canale SKY calcio per la durata dell'andata del campionato.
Ovvero sky calcio per 4 mesi. Sky calcio costa 15 euro al mese. Quindi in pratica ti offrono a 99 euro quello che normalmente te ne costa 60.
Certo, se si sottoscrive l'abbonamento a Sky Calcio si è obbligati ad una sottoscrizione annuale (il decreto Bersani non credo possa valere per variazioni del contratto), 180 euro. Sempre meno che due "offerte" sky per andata e ritorno... Insomma una fregatura. O paghi 198 euro, con l'offerta. O 180 euro per un canale che guarderai per 8 mesi su 12.
Costo partita singola? 8 euro.
Insomma, se voglio vedermi il campionato, o mi sveno, o mi snervo ascoltando piccinini su mediaset premium, o vado al bar.
Mi andava di parlare dell'"offerta" sky. 99 euro per l'andata del campionato.
In pratica il canale SKY calcio per la durata dell'andata del campionato.
Ovvero sky calcio per 4 mesi. Sky calcio costa 15 euro al mese. Quindi in pratica ti offrono a 99 euro quello che normalmente te ne costa 60.
Certo, se si sottoscrive l'abbonamento a Sky Calcio si è obbligati ad una sottoscrizione annuale (il decreto Bersani non credo possa valere per variazioni del contratto), 180 euro. Sempre meno che due "offerte" sky per andata e ritorno... Insomma una fregatura. O paghi 198 euro, con l'offerta. O 180 euro per un canale che guarderai per 8 mesi su 12.
Costo partita singola? 8 euro.
Insomma, se voglio vedermi il campionato, o mi sveno, o mi snervo ascoltando piccinini su mediaset premium, o vado al bar.
The top 50 sporting scandals
Tutte le estati, il Times si diverte a fare classifiche, più o meno del cazzo. Su questo stesso blog, avete letto quella degli insulti sportivi, ora eccovi quella degli scandali!
Alcuni sono degni di una puntata di Colombo (posizione 5!), altri di uno splatter-movie (posizione 20!), altri ancora (il primo e l'ultimo) ci fanno capire come la lotta contro le discriminazioni di ogni tipo e natura sia ben lungi dall'essere stata vinta.
Tutti sono meritevoli di essere letti per soddisfare la vostra curiosità da settimana enigmistica e migliorare i vostri punteggi a Trivial Pursuit.
50) MCC v Women, 1814-1998
Until nine years ago, the only woman (apart from domestic staff) who was allowed to enter the Pavilion during play at Lord’s, the home of cricket, was the Queen. Repeated ballots among the MCC members on a rule change failed to get enough support until a 70 per cent majority finally voted to end inequality in 1998.
49) All Blacks nail Brian O’Driscoll, 2005
Injuries and aggression are common in rugby – and desirable – but the cynical attack on Brian O’Driscoll at the very start of the first of the Lions matches against New Zealand was beyond the pale. Tana Umaga, the All Blacks captain, and Keven Mealamu grabbed O’Driscoll, the key Lions player, lifted him up and drove him headfirst into the ground. His shoulder was dislocated in the “spear tackle”.
48) Diego Maradona, 1994
The World Cup in the United States was a final hurrah and a final disgrace for Argentina’s footballing hero. He scored a beautiful goal against Greece but was then sent home after testing positive for ephedrene, a stimulant that he claimed was in a power drink. Without their talisman, Argentina were knocked out in the second round.
47) Ian Botham drugs ban, 1986
Certain sections of the media went berserk when Botham, the England cricket all-rounder, admitted to smoking marijuana. There were calls for him to be banned for life, although the eventual suspension was 63 days. Frank Keating, of The Guardian, was a lone voice of sanity, saying Botham had “brought the game into repute”.
46) Danny Almonte, 2001
Little League baseball was rocked to its core when Almonte, one of the most talented junior players in history, was discovered to have lied about his age. His team, the Roland Paulino All Stars, came third in the World Series under his inspired pitching. Just a shame that his birth certificate was uncovered, showing that he was 14, rather than the maximum age of 12
45) Stan Collymore dogging, 2004
The footballer who called himself “international lover” became a focus for ridicule after being found by undercover reporters “dogging” – or cruising for anonymous sex – in car parks. It may not have been the wisest idea to have taken his car with personalised numberplates.
44) Sammy Sosa’s corked bat, 2003
Another baseball scandal. Sosa, the first batter to hit 60 home runs in a season three times, was ejected from a game and suspended for seven more after umpires found his bat was illegally filled with cork, making it lighter but not losing any power. He claimed it was an accident.
43) Bruce Grobelaar, 1994
The former Liverpool goalkeeper was accused of being in a match-fixing ring by The Sun. He pleaded not guilty to a charge of conspiracy to corrupt and was cleared by a jury in 1997, but when the newspaper appealed to the House of Lord’s, Grobelaar was found to have been dishonest and was ordered to pay The Sun’s legal costs.
42) Pedalogate, 2007
Andrew Flintoff, the England cricketer, was found drunk in charge of a pedalo after England had lost their first match at the World Cup in the Caribbean. He was stripped of the vice-captaincy and suspended for one match.
41) Kamp Staaldraad, 2003
South Africa’s unorthodox preparations for the rugby World Cup included the military boot camp in the African bush where players were allegedly threatened at gunpoint to perform tasks, made to huddle naked in a foxhole while ice-cold water was poured on them (to the tune of God Save the Queen) and deprived of food. The team were knocked out in the quarter-finals.
40) Bundesliga match fixing, 2005
Robert Hoyzer, a German second-division football referee, admitted to fixing matches. His trial exposed a €2 million betting racket in Germany.
39) Minnesota Vikings orgy boat cruise, 2005
Seventeen members of the Minnesota Vikings were involved in an alleged orgy on two boats on Lake Minnetonka, featuring prostitutes flown in from Florida and Atlanta, and 90 guests. Four players were charged with indecent and disorderly conduct, but the team had a 9-7 winning record that season.
38) Men’s Olympic basketball final, 1972
The United States had never lost an Olympic basketball final before 1972, so it was bound to be controversial when they were finally beaten. Against the Soviet Union, the US led by one point with one second left and celebrated when they intercepted a Soviet throw but the head of the international federation ordered that the clock be reset to three seconds for a technical hitch, giving the Soviets one last chance for an attack. Naturally, they scored.
37) Pete Rose, 1989
The manager of the Cincinnatti Reds baseball team was banned from the sport by the Major League for betting on – note: never against – his side, sometimes at least $10,000 a night. He only admitted it 15 years later.
36) The monster cricket bat, 1771
Cricket did not have any legal restrictions on the size of bat that players could use until 1774. The game that necessitated a ruling was between Chertsey and Hambledon, when Thomas “Daddy” White, of Chertsey, used a bat that was wider than the wicket. It did not help his side: Chertsey lost by one run.
35) Winter Olympic bid scandal, 2002
In 1995, Salt Lake City was announced as the host city for the 2002 Winter Olympics but three years later members of the IOC were accused of taking bribes to give the Games to the American city. Ten were later expelled from the IOC and stricter rules were put in place.
34) Olympic boycotts, 1976-1984
Politics entered the Olympic Games in 1976 when 28 African nations refused to compete in protest at New Zealand playing rugby against apartheid South Africa. In 1980, the United States led a boycott of more than 60 nations in protest at the Soviet Union’s invasion of Afghanistan. Four years later, the Los Angeles Olympics were boycotted by communist nations.
33) Formula One espionage, 2007
Nigel Stepney, a disaffected former Ferrari Formula One engineer, was alleged to have passed a large dossier on the team to Mike Coughlan, an engineer with Ferrari’s main rivals, McLaren Mercedes. McLaren have denied being shown the dossier by Coughlan. The investigation continues.
32) Rush Limbaugh, 2003
The American broadcaster got egg on his face, as well as losing his job, when he suggested that Donovan McNabb, the Philadelphia Eagles quarterback was over-rated and that people only talked about him because he was black. The next year, McNabb led the Eagles to their first Superbowl appearance in 24 years.
31) Shakoor Rana, 1987
Two fat men wagging fingers at each other on a cricket pitch in Faisalabad was not the most dignified image. Rana, the Pakistan umpire, felt that Mike Gatting, the England captain, was cheating; Gatting felt that Rana was biased towards the home team. The match was abandoned until Gatting wrote a letter of apology.
30) Marseilles match-fixing, 1993
Marseilles became the first French team to lift the European Cup in 1993 but they were stripped of their French league title and relegated a division the next season because of financial irregularities and a match-fixing scandal involving Bernard Tapie, their president, who was imprisoned for six months.
29) The Hand of God, 1986
Diego Maradona, the cheating swine, punched the ball past Peter Shilton during Argentina’s World Cup quarter-final against England and became a bogeyman for a generation. Shame it overshadowed his moment of brilliance five minutes later, when he scored one of the finest ever World Cup goals.
28) English football betting scandal, 1915
Under the cover of war, Liverpool and Manchester United tried to fix a league match in United’s favour, to save them from relegation. Players from both sides placed bets on the result, a 2-0 win to United (at odds of 7-1), but Liverpool’s lack of effort was too blatant. An FA investigation led to seven players being banned for life, although five of them had the ban lifted in 1919 for gallantry during the war.
27) Festina cycling team, 1998
In the most scandal-ridden Tour de France before 2007, police raided team hotels during the 1998 race after a physiotherapist for the Festina team was found in possession of narcotics, growth hormones and testosterone. Riders staged a strike in protest at the heavy-handed measures, but in a court case two years later the Festina management were shown to have been doping the team.
26) Trevor Chappell, 1981
New Zealand needed six runs off the last ball to tie a one-day cricket international with Australia, so the Australia captain, Greg Chappell, ordered his brother, Trevor, to roll the ball along the ground rather than bowl it. New Zealand could do nothing put bat the ball away in disgust as the tactic was not illegal at the time. Rob Muldoon, the New Zealand Prime Minister, called it “an act of cowardice” and “the most disgusting incident I can recall from a game of cricket”.
25) Faria Alam, 2004
The woman who finally killed off Sven-Goran Eriksson’s credibility after she revealed, for a fat sum, the graphic details of her affair with both the England football manager and his boss, Mark Palios, the FA chief executive. Palios resigned, Eriksson clung on as a lame duck.
24) Kerry Packer’s World Series Cricket, 1977
Packer may have inadvertently saved cricket by plunging his millions into luring leading cricketers away from their countries to play for his “circus”. Certainly, the coloured clothes, drop-in pitches, floodlights and television innovations he introduced have lingered. But at the time, the Australian was condemned as a bloodsucking iconoclast. “There is a little bit of the whore in all of us,” he told the Australian Cricket Board when negotiating TV rights.
23) Rosie Ruiz, 1980
Ruiz, a Cuban émigré, apparently won the Boston Marathon with a record time, until witnesses came forward saying that she had only joined the race in the last mile. “I got up with a lot of energy this morning,” was her explanation for why she had shaved 25 minutes off the time she ran in the New York Marathon six months earlier. Then it turned out she had taken the Subway for part of that race, too
22) Darrell Hair, 2006
The Australian cricket umpire ruled, with his colleague Billy Doctrove, that Pakistan had doctored the ball in the Oval Test match against England and awarded five penalty runs to the home side. Pakistan staged a protest in their dressing-room, refusing to take the field and so Hair awarded the match to England, the first time in Test history that a match had been forfeited. Hair later came under strong criticism for failing to find a diplomatic solution to the row. He did not help his case by emailing his bosses, offering to resign in return for $500,000 “hush money”. An investigation found no evidence of ball-tampering, but suspended the Pakistan captain for bringing the game into disrepute. Hair, ranked the second best umpire in the world in 2006, lost his place on the elite umpires panel.
21) Michael Vick, 2007
A grand jury will decide next month what to do with Vick, a quarterback for the Atlanta Falcons who has pleaded guilty to operating an illegal dog-fighting business. He is accused of personally executing several weak dogs.
20) Mike Tyson chews on Evander Holyfield, 1997
Tyson had already proven that he was sub-human with his rape conviction in 1992 and various threats to murder rivals, but things took a gruesome and bizarre twist when he started gnawing on his opponent’s ear, ripping off a chunk and ending any last shred of credibility.
19) Yelena Berezhnaya and Anton Sikharulidze, ice skating, 2002
The Russian pair were awarded the gold medal in the short programme at the Winter Olympics despite stumbling during their routine, while the Canadian pair of Jamie Sale and David Pelletier had completed a flawless programme. The controversy threatened to take over the Games when the French judge confessed that pressure had been put on her by the head of the French skating organisation. The IOC awarded a second gold to the Canadian pair to defuse the situation
18) Operacion Puerto, 2006
Another drugs scandal in cycling. Spanish police arrested the director of the Liberty Seguros-Wurth team and four others including Dr Eufemiano Fuentes, who is accused of providing drugs to 200 professional athletes, although relatively few of them are cyclists. The investigation continues.
17) Kostantinos Kenteris and Ekaterini Thanou, 2004
Kenteris was a big hope for a home gold medal in the Athens Olympics but on the day before the Games started he failed to attend a drugs test, along with his training partner Thanou. They claimed they had been in a motorcycle accident but had no sign of injury. Their coach was suspended and later found with large amounts of steroids in his possession.
16) Balco, 2003
American agents who searched the Bay Area Local Co-operative in California found that the company was supplying tetrahydrogestrinone, a then-undetectable steroid known as “the Clear”, to athletes, football players and baseball players. The controversy rumbles on.
15) Jim Thorpe, 1913
Thorpe was named the greatest athlete of the first half of the 20th century by Associated Press; at the Olympics in Stockholm in 1912 he competed in the decathlon and pentathlon, winning eight of the 15 events and easily won both golds. Yet he was stripped of the medals the next year for being a “professional sportsman” after it was revealed that he had once earned a pittance as a minor league baseball player. Many suspected racism against the Native American. His medals were restored to him in 1983, 30 years after his death.
14) Heidi Krieger, 1986
One of the many East German female athletes to be systematically doped with steroids. She won the gold medal in the shot put at the European Championships in 1986 but 11 years later had a sex change and is now called Andreas. Testified against his coaches, saying that their doping had contributed to his transsexuality.
13) South African rebel tours, 1970-91
Dozens of cricketers were given lengthy bans for their part in unofficial tours to apartheid South Africa. Graham Gooch’s England tour in 1982, Kim Hughes’s Australian tours of 1985 and 1987 and Mike Gatting’s of 1990 were the most notable.
12) Spanish Paralympic cheats, 2000
Spain were stripped of their gold medal in the basketball event for people with learning difficulties after it was confirmed that ten of the 12 members of the team were not disabled.
11) Glenn Hoddle, 1999
The former England football manager may claim he “never said them things” about disabled people paying for sins they had committed in a previous life, but the Times reporter who spoke to him had the words verbatim in his notebook and after an uproar Hoddle had to resign. Read the interview again here
10) Hansie Cronje, 2000
The South Africa cricket captain was banned from the game for life after confessing to his part in the biggest match-fixing scandal in the game’s history, running into hundreds of thousands of dollars – as well as a leather jacket for contriving a result in the 2000 Centurion Test with England.
9) Park Si-Hun, 1988
Many were surprised when the South Korean boxer was awarded the light-middleweight gold medal at his home Olympics despite being outboxed by Roy Jones Jr. Television analysis suggested that Jones had landed 86 punches to Park’s 32. An IOC investigation found that three of the judges had received hospitality from their Korean hosts but the decision was not reversed.
8) Bodyline, 1932
Skulduggery by the England cricket captain or whinging by Australia? Douglas Jardine’s tactic to neutralise the influence of Don Bradman, who he thought was “yellow”, by getting his team to bowl fast at the batsmen’s upper bodies, worked: Bradman’s superhuman average dropped to “only” 57 and England won the Ashes. But it sparked a diplomatic nightmare.
7) Serie A match-fixing, 2006
Juventus, the Italian league champions, and other leading sides were accused of rigging matches with the assistance of helpful referees. Juventus were relegated a division and stripped of their league title. AC Milan, Fiorentina, Reggina and Lazio were given points deductions.
6) Zimbabwe, 2003
The scandalous inactivity of the International Cricket Council towards the situation in Zimbabwe has been going on for many years, but it boiled up in 2003 at the World Cup in Africa when two Zimbabwe players, Andy Flower and Henry Olonga, wore black armbands at their matches in protest at “the death of democracy”. Both never played again. England boycotted their scheduled match in Zimbabwe in protest at Robert Mugabe: the points they lost meant that Zimbabwe progressed to the second round in England’s place. Zimbabwe have since had their Test status removed.
5) Tonya Harding, 1994
Admitted to covering up her knowledge of an assault on Nancy Kerrigan, her rival for the American figure-skating team, that was organised by Harding’s former husband. Kerrigan won the Olympic silver medal a month later; Harding was sentenced to community service and given a large fine.
4) Tour de France, 2007
Three riders and two whole teams withdrew after failed drugs tests, including Michael Rasmussen, wearing the yellow jersey at the time, and Alexandre Vinokourov, the pre-race favourite. It may not be the last drugs scandal to hit cycling’s premier race, but the fallout from this one suggested that finally teams have lost tolerance for cheats.
3) Ben Johnson, 1988
The Canadian won the bronze medal in the Olympic 100 metres in 1984 but his race four years later in Seoul lives in infamy. “The man with the yellow eyes” came first, lowering his own world record by 0.04sec to 9.79, but steroids were found in his urine and he was stripped of the title three days later. His earlier world record was also removed from the records when he admitted to previous doping.
2) Chicago “Black Sox”, 1919
Eight members of the Chicago White Sox baseball team were banned for deliberately losing the World Series for money. The biggest shock was the involvement of “Shoeless” Joe Jackson, the outfielder whose career average of .356, the third highest in Major League history, dropped to .268 in the dubious matches. “Say it ain’t so, Joe” was the apocryphal wail of a child that summed up the shock in America.
1) Basil D Oliveira, 1968
The Cape Coloured cricketer, one of the most gifted players of his day, emigrated to England in 1960 because he was not allowed to play for his native South Africa on the grounds of race. In 1966, he was selected for England, being named one of Wisden’s five cricketers of the year in 1967. But controversy hit the following year when he made a match-winning score of 158 – and took a crucial wicket – at the Oval against Australia and yet was still left out of the winter tour of South Africa.
Political pressure not to include him had been put on the MCC by the South African Government, yet under massive public outcry the England selectors relented and called him up, at which point South Africa cancelled the tour. This was seen as the beginning of the sporting boycott of apartheid, yet it was also a tragedy that D’Oliveira, whose international career did not begin until he was 35, was not able to fulfil his immense talent. The treatment of him is cricket - and sport’s - greatest scandal
Alcuni sono degni di una puntata di Colombo (posizione 5!), altri di uno splatter-movie (posizione 20!), altri ancora (il primo e l'ultimo) ci fanno capire come la lotta contro le discriminazioni di ogni tipo e natura sia ben lungi dall'essere stata vinta.
Tutti sono meritevoli di essere letti per soddisfare la vostra curiosità da settimana enigmistica e migliorare i vostri punteggi a Trivial Pursuit.
50) MCC v Women, 1814-1998
Until nine years ago, the only woman (apart from domestic staff) who was allowed to enter the Pavilion during play at Lord’s, the home of cricket, was the Queen. Repeated ballots among the MCC members on a rule change failed to get enough support until a 70 per cent majority finally voted to end inequality in 1998.
49) All Blacks nail Brian O’Driscoll, 2005
Injuries and aggression are common in rugby – and desirable – but the cynical attack on Brian O’Driscoll at the very start of the first of the Lions matches against New Zealand was beyond the pale. Tana Umaga, the All Blacks captain, and Keven Mealamu grabbed O’Driscoll, the key Lions player, lifted him up and drove him headfirst into the ground. His shoulder was dislocated in the “spear tackle”.
48) Diego Maradona, 1994
The World Cup in the United States was a final hurrah and a final disgrace for Argentina’s footballing hero. He scored a beautiful goal against Greece but was then sent home after testing positive for ephedrene, a stimulant that he claimed was in a power drink. Without their talisman, Argentina were knocked out in the second round.
47) Ian Botham drugs ban, 1986
Certain sections of the media went berserk when Botham, the England cricket all-rounder, admitted to smoking marijuana. There were calls for him to be banned for life, although the eventual suspension was 63 days. Frank Keating, of The Guardian, was a lone voice of sanity, saying Botham had “brought the game into repute”.
46) Danny Almonte, 2001
Little League baseball was rocked to its core when Almonte, one of the most talented junior players in history, was discovered to have lied about his age. His team, the Roland Paulino All Stars, came third in the World Series under his inspired pitching. Just a shame that his birth certificate was uncovered, showing that he was 14, rather than the maximum age of 12
45) Stan Collymore dogging, 2004
The footballer who called himself “international lover” became a focus for ridicule after being found by undercover reporters “dogging” – or cruising for anonymous sex – in car parks. It may not have been the wisest idea to have taken his car with personalised numberplates.
44) Sammy Sosa’s corked bat, 2003
Another baseball scandal. Sosa, the first batter to hit 60 home runs in a season three times, was ejected from a game and suspended for seven more after umpires found his bat was illegally filled with cork, making it lighter but not losing any power. He claimed it was an accident.
43) Bruce Grobelaar, 1994
The former Liverpool goalkeeper was accused of being in a match-fixing ring by The Sun. He pleaded not guilty to a charge of conspiracy to corrupt and was cleared by a jury in 1997, but when the newspaper appealed to the House of Lord’s, Grobelaar was found to have been dishonest and was ordered to pay The Sun’s legal costs.
42) Pedalogate, 2007
Andrew Flintoff, the England cricketer, was found drunk in charge of a pedalo after England had lost their first match at the World Cup in the Caribbean. He was stripped of the vice-captaincy and suspended for one match.
41) Kamp Staaldraad, 2003
South Africa’s unorthodox preparations for the rugby World Cup included the military boot camp in the African bush where players were allegedly threatened at gunpoint to perform tasks, made to huddle naked in a foxhole while ice-cold water was poured on them (to the tune of God Save the Queen) and deprived of food. The team were knocked out in the quarter-finals.
40) Bundesliga match fixing, 2005
Robert Hoyzer, a German second-division football referee, admitted to fixing matches. His trial exposed a €2 million betting racket in Germany.
39) Minnesota Vikings orgy boat cruise, 2005
Seventeen members of the Minnesota Vikings were involved in an alleged orgy on two boats on Lake Minnetonka, featuring prostitutes flown in from Florida and Atlanta, and 90 guests. Four players were charged with indecent and disorderly conduct, but the team had a 9-7 winning record that season.
38) Men’s Olympic basketball final, 1972
The United States had never lost an Olympic basketball final before 1972, so it was bound to be controversial when they were finally beaten. Against the Soviet Union, the US led by one point with one second left and celebrated when they intercepted a Soviet throw but the head of the international federation ordered that the clock be reset to three seconds for a technical hitch, giving the Soviets one last chance for an attack. Naturally, they scored.
37) Pete Rose, 1989
The manager of the Cincinnatti Reds baseball team was banned from the sport by the Major League for betting on – note: never against – his side, sometimes at least $10,000 a night. He only admitted it 15 years later.
36) The monster cricket bat, 1771
Cricket did not have any legal restrictions on the size of bat that players could use until 1774. The game that necessitated a ruling was between Chertsey and Hambledon, when Thomas “Daddy” White, of Chertsey, used a bat that was wider than the wicket. It did not help his side: Chertsey lost by one run.
35) Winter Olympic bid scandal, 2002
In 1995, Salt Lake City was announced as the host city for the 2002 Winter Olympics but three years later members of the IOC were accused of taking bribes to give the Games to the American city. Ten were later expelled from the IOC and stricter rules were put in place.
34) Olympic boycotts, 1976-1984
Politics entered the Olympic Games in 1976 when 28 African nations refused to compete in protest at New Zealand playing rugby against apartheid South Africa. In 1980, the United States led a boycott of more than 60 nations in protest at the Soviet Union’s invasion of Afghanistan. Four years later, the Los Angeles Olympics were boycotted by communist nations.
33) Formula One espionage, 2007
Nigel Stepney, a disaffected former Ferrari Formula One engineer, was alleged to have passed a large dossier on the team to Mike Coughlan, an engineer with Ferrari’s main rivals, McLaren Mercedes. McLaren have denied being shown the dossier by Coughlan. The investigation continues.
32) Rush Limbaugh, 2003
The American broadcaster got egg on his face, as well as losing his job, when he suggested that Donovan McNabb, the Philadelphia Eagles quarterback was over-rated and that people only talked about him because he was black. The next year, McNabb led the Eagles to their first Superbowl appearance in 24 years.
31) Shakoor Rana, 1987
Two fat men wagging fingers at each other on a cricket pitch in Faisalabad was not the most dignified image. Rana, the Pakistan umpire, felt that Mike Gatting, the England captain, was cheating; Gatting felt that Rana was biased towards the home team. The match was abandoned until Gatting wrote a letter of apology.
30) Marseilles match-fixing, 1993
Marseilles became the first French team to lift the European Cup in 1993 but they were stripped of their French league title and relegated a division the next season because of financial irregularities and a match-fixing scandal involving Bernard Tapie, their president, who was imprisoned for six months.
29) The Hand of God, 1986
Diego Maradona, the cheating swine, punched the ball past Peter Shilton during Argentina’s World Cup quarter-final against England and became a bogeyman for a generation. Shame it overshadowed his moment of brilliance five minutes later, when he scored one of the finest ever World Cup goals.
28) English football betting scandal, 1915
Under the cover of war, Liverpool and Manchester United tried to fix a league match in United’s favour, to save them from relegation. Players from both sides placed bets on the result, a 2-0 win to United (at odds of 7-1), but Liverpool’s lack of effort was too blatant. An FA investigation led to seven players being banned for life, although five of them had the ban lifted in 1919 for gallantry during the war.
27) Festina cycling team, 1998
In the most scandal-ridden Tour de France before 2007, police raided team hotels during the 1998 race after a physiotherapist for the Festina team was found in possession of narcotics, growth hormones and testosterone. Riders staged a strike in protest at the heavy-handed measures, but in a court case two years later the Festina management were shown to have been doping the team.
26) Trevor Chappell, 1981
New Zealand needed six runs off the last ball to tie a one-day cricket international with Australia, so the Australia captain, Greg Chappell, ordered his brother, Trevor, to roll the ball along the ground rather than bowl it. New Zealand could do nothing put bat the ball away in disgust as the tactic was not illegal at the time. Rob Muldoon, the New Zealand Prime Minister, called it “an act of cowardice” and “the most disgusting incident I can recall from a game of cricket”.
25) Faria Alam, 2004
The woman who finally killed off Sven-Goran Eriksson’s credibility after she revealed, for a fat sum, the graphic details of her affair with both the England football manager and his boss, Mark Palios, the FA chief executive. Palios resigned, Eriksson clung on as a lame duck.
24) Kerry Packer’s World Series Cricket, 1977
Packer may have inadvertently saved cricket by plunging his millions into luring leading cricketers away from their countries to play for his “circus”. Certainly, the coloured clothes, drop-in pitches, floodlights and television innovations he introduced have lingered. But at the time, the Australian was condemned as a bloodsucking iconoclast. “There is a little bit of the whore in all of us,” he told the Australian Cricket Board when negotiating TV rights.
23) Rosie Ruiz, 1980
Ruiz, a Cuban émigré, apparently won the Boston Marathon with a record time, until witnesses came forward saying that she had only joined the race in the last mile. “I got up with a lot of energy this morning,” was her explanation for why she had shaved 25 minutes off the time she ran in the New York Marathon six months earlier. Then it turned out she had taken the Subway for part of that race, too
22) Darrell Hair, 2006
The Australian cricket umpire ruled, with his colleague Billy Doctrove, that Pakistan had doctored the ball in the Oval Test match against England and awarded five penalty runs to the home side. Pakistan staged a protest in their dressing-room, refusing to take the field and so Hair awarded the match to England, the first time in Test history that a match had been forfeited. Hair later came under strong criticism for failing to find a diplomatic solution to the row. He did not help his case by emailing his bosses, offering to resign in return for $500,000 “hush money”. An investigation found no evidence of ball-tampering, but suspended the Pakistan captain for bringing the game into disrepute. Hair, ranked the second best umpire in the world in 2006, lost his place on the elite umpires panel.
21) Michael Vick, 2007
A grand jury will decide next month what to do with Vick, a quarterback for the Atlanta Falcons who has pleaded guilty to operating an illegal dog-fighting business. He is accused of personally executing several weak dogs.
20) Mike Tyson chews on Evander Holyfield, 1997
Tyson had already proven that he was sub-human with his rape conviction in 1992 and various threats to murder rivals, but things took a gruesome and bizarre twist when he started gnawing on his opponent’s ear, ripping off a chunk and ending any last shred of credibility.
19) Yelena Berezhnaya and Anton Sikharulidze, ice skating, 2002
The Russian pair were awarded the gold medal in the short programme at the Winter Olympics despite stumbling during their routine, while the Canadian pair of Jamie Sale and David Pelletier had completed a flawless programme. The controversy threatened to take over the Games when the French judge confessed that pressure had been put on her by the head of the French skating organisation. The IOC awarded a second gold to the Canadian pair to defuse the situation
18) Operacion Puerto, 2006
Another drugs scandal in cycling. Spanish police arrested the director of the Liberty Seguros-Wurth team and four others including Dr Eufemiano Fuentes, who is accused of providing drugs to 200 professional athletes, although relatively few of them are cyclists. The investigation continues.
17) Kostantinos Kenteris and Ekaterini Thanou, 2004
Kenteris was a big hope for a home gold medal in the Athens Olympics but on the day before the Games started he failed to attend a drugs test, along with his training partner Thanou. They claimed they had been in a motorcycle accident but had no sign of injury. Their coach was suspended and later found with large amounts of steroids in his possession.
16) Balco, 2003
American agents who searched the Bay Area Local Co-operative in California found that the company was supplying tetrahydrogestrinone, a then-undetectable steroid known as “the Clear”, to athletes, football players and baseball players. The controversy rumbles on.
15) Jim Thorpe, 1913
Thorpe was named the greatest athlete of the first half of the 20th century by Associated Press; at the Olympics in Stockholm in 1912 he competed in the decathlon and pentathlon, winning eight of the 15 events and easily won both golds. Yet he was stripped of the medals the next year for being a “professional sportsman” after it was revealed that he had once earned a pittance as a minor league baseball player. Many suspected racism against the Native American. His medals were restored to him in 1983, 30 years after his death.
14) Heidi Krieger, 1986
One of the many East German female athletes to be systematically doped with steroids. She won the gold medal in the shot put at the European Championships in 1986 but 11 years later had a sex change and is now called Andreas. Testified against his coaches, saying that their doping had contributed to his transsexuality.
13) South African rebel tours, 1970-91
Dozens of cricketers were given lengthy bans for their part in unofficial tours to apartheid South Africa. Graham Gooch’s England tour in 1982, Kim Hughes’s Australian tours of 1985 and 1987 and Mike Gatting’s of 1990 were the most notable.
12) Spanish Paralympic cheats, 2000
Spain were stripped of their gold medal in the basketball event for people with learning difficulties after it was confirmed that ten of the 12 members of the team were not disabled.
11) Glenn Hoddle, 1999
The former England football manager may claim he “never said them things” about disabled people paying for sins they had committed in a previous life, but the Times reporter who spoke to him had the words verbatim in his notebook and after an uproar Hoddle had to resign. Read the interview again here
10) Hansie Cronje, 2000
The South Africa cricket captain was banned from the game for life after confessing to his part in the biggest match-fixing scandal in the game’s history, running into hundreds of thousands of dollars – as well as a leather jacket for contriving a result in the 2000 Centurion Test with England.
9) Park Si-Hun, 1988
Many were surprised when the South Korean boxer was awarded the light-middleweight gold medal at his home Olympics despite being outboxed by Roy Jones Jr. Television analysis suggested that Jones had landed 86 punches to Park’s 32. An IOC investigation found that three of the judges had received hospitality from their Korean hosts but the decision was not reversed.
8) Bodyline, 1932
Skulduggery by the England cricket captain or whinging by Australia? Douglas Jardine’s tactic to neutralise the influence of Don Bradman, who he thought was “yellow”, by getting his team to bowl fast at the batsmen’s upper bodies, worked: Bradman’s superhuman average dropped to “only” 57 and England won the Ashes. But it sparked a diplomatic nightmare.
7) Serie A match-fixing, 2006
Juventus, the Italian league champions, and other leading sides were accused of rigging matches with the assistance of helpful referees. Juventus were relegated a division and stripped of their league title. AC Milan, Fiorentina, Reggina and Lazio were given points deductions.
6) Zimbabwe, 2003
The scandalous inactivity of the International Cricket Council towards the situation in Zimbabwe has been going on for many years, but it boiled up in 2003 at the World Cup in Africa when two Zimbabwe players, Andy Flower and Henry Olonga, wore black armbands at their matches in protest at “the death of democracy”. Both never played again. England boycotted their scheduled match in Zimbabwe in protest at Robert Mugabe: the points they lost meant that Zimbabwe progressed to the second round in England’s place. Zimbabwe have since had their Test status removed.
5) Tonya Harding, 1994
Admitted to covering up her knowledge of an assault on Nancy Kerrigan, her rival for the American figure-skating team, that was organised by Harding’s former husband. Kerrigan won the Olympic silver medal a month later; Harding was sentenced to community service and given a large fine.
4) Tour de France, 2007
Three riders and two whole teams withdrew after failed drugs tests, including Michael Rasmussen, wearing the yellow jersey at the time, and Alexandre Vinokourov, the pre-race favourite. It may not be the last drugs scandal to hit cycling’s premier race, but the fallout from this one suggested that finally teams have lost tolerance for cheats.
3) Ben Johnson, 1988
The Canadian won the bronze medal in the Olympic 100 metres in 1984 but his race four years later in Seoul lives in infamy. “The man with the yellow eyes” came first, lowering his own world record by 0.04sec to 9.79, but steroids were found in his urine and he was stripped of the title three days later. His earlier world record was also removed from the records when he admitted to previous doping.
2) Chicago “Black Sox”, 1919
Eight members of the Chicago White Sox baseball team were banned for deliberately losing the World Series for money. The biggest shock was the involvement of “Shoeless” Joe Jackson, the outfielder whose career average of .356, the third highest in Major League history, dropped to .268 in the dubious matches. “Say it ain’t so, Joe” was the apocryphal wail of a child that summed up the shock in America.
1) Basil D Oliveira, 1968
The Cape Coloured cricketer, one of the most gifted players of his day, emigrated to England in 1960 because he was not allowed to play for his native South Africa on the grounds of race. In 1966, he was selected for England, being named one of Wisden’s five cricketers of the year in 1967. But controversy hit the following year when he made a match-winning score of 158 – and took a crucial wicket – at the Oval against Australia and yet was still left out of the winter tour of South Africa.
Political pressure not to include him had been put on the MCC by the South African Government, yet under massive public outcry the England selectors relented and called him up, at which point South Africa cancelled the tour. This was seen as the beginning of the sporting boycott of apartheid, yet it was also a tragedy that D’Oliveira, whose international career did not begin until he was 35, was not able to fulfil his immense talent. The treatment of him is cricket - and sport’s - greatest scandal
mercoledì 22 agosto 2007
Chiusa Radio Milan-Inter
Friday, August 17 2007
Una chiusura inaspettata ha coinvolto Radio MilanInter, l'emittente sportiva di Milano inaugurata nel gennaio del 2004, che ha ceduto le sue frequenze a una societa' concessionaria che gestisce tra l'altro le frequenze di Radio Deejay del Gruppo L'Espresso. Martedi' scorso lo switch-off, con le ultime trasmissioni andate in onda lunedi'. 'Sono stato avvisato dall'editore a Ferragosto - spiega il direttore, Giorgio Micheletti -. C'era stata qualche avvisaglia, ma niente che facesse pensare a tanto. Sapevo di un'offerta che era sul tavolo da tempo. Probabilmente non hanno potuto aspettare oltre'. La vendita della frequenza non e' dovuta, pero', a problemi di ascolto. Gli ascolti registrati da Audiradio, infatti, erano 'piu' che positivi, direi lusinghieri - continua il direttore -, con punte sopra i 100mila ascoltatori che ci posizionavano sul podio delle radio locali. Un ottimo risultato in una realta' particolare come Milano'. La raccolta pubblicitaria, pero', secondo Micheletti, non era sufficiente a ricoprire le spese a cui l'editore doveva far fronte. La decisione di vendere ha colto di sorpresa non solo i 15 collaboratori della radio, con contratti diversi, che si trovano al momento in vacanza, ma anche molti degli ascoltatori che si sono lamentati sui forum del sito. 'Sono stati tutti avvisati ieri - continua Micheletti -. Ora aspettiamo l'incontro che ci ha promesso l'editore per darci una spiegazione piu' esauriente e per mostrarci il 'paracadute' per il personale. Ci sono padri di famiglia che devono essere messi in condizione di potersi guardare intorno in tranquillita''. (ANSA).
Davvero un colpo per chi come me seguiva le trasmissioni incentrate sullo sfottò e l'ironia di questa radio, molto in stile bar sport (c'era anche una trasmissione con questo nome).
Spero che molti giornalisti riescano a riciclarsi nelle numerose trasmissioni sportive delle TV locali, sarebbe un vero peccato perdere persone valide.
So che non servirà a niente ma se volete potete firmare la petizione qui
lunedì 20 agosto 2007
Vota Antonio!
Qualche tempo fa, Galliani disse che per Cassano, al Milan, si era fatto un "sondaggio" tra tutti gli elementi della società per decidere se fosse un acquisto saggio o meno. Vinsero i no, e così Cassano non ha avuto la chance di indossare la maglia rossonera. Alla Sampdoria, evidentemente, il famoso motto di Totò "vota Antonio!" è stato diversamente recepito, e l'ex talentino è arrivato all'ombra della lanterna, pronto a giocarsi la sua - probabilmente - ultima chance per realizzare finalmente le proprie potenzialità e diventare il calciatore che finora è stato soltanto a sprazzi.
Io tifo per lui.
Tifo per lui perché Antonio - e so già che qui molti mi daranno del pazzo - secondo me ha più talento di Totti, anzi, ha più talento di qualsiasi giocatore italiano post-Baggio (mantenendo congelato il giudizio sui giovani e giovanissimi dell'attuale Under, tra cui ci sono talenti che se ben coltivati potranno darci tante soddisfazioni).
Certo, ammetto che l'aver fatto il suo primo gol - e che gol! - all'Inter me lo ha fatto diventare immediatamente simpatico. Ma al di là di questo, Cassano è un giocatore che quando ha giocato come sa mi ha sempre fatto divertire. E' un giocatore che mi piangeva il cuore vedere ridotto come al Real, grasso, bolso e senza spirito, uno come lui che di spirito ne aveva sempre avuto fin troppo. E' un giocatore che ogni volta che ha indossato la maglia della nazionale ha dimostrato, coi fatti, di tenerci davvero, a differenza di tanti altri, di chi dichiara che una partita (per quanto importante) col proprio club vale più della finale mondiale. E non è un caso che Antonio abbia chiamato Donadoni, per dirgli che cercherà di fare il possibile per tornare in azzurro.
Insomma, che volete che vi dica: a me Cassano, con le sue intemperanze e le sue follie, con il suo talento e il suo amore per l'azzurro, sta simpatico. E faccio il tifo per lui, perché riesca ad afferrare quest'ultima occasione per non essere ricordato come un Ortega qualsiasi. Uno che aveva talento, ma... Ma.
Io voto Antonio!
domenica 19 agosto 2007
SGUB! Ecco perchè ingrassa Ronaldo
Dalla Gazzetta dello Sport e da
MilanLab: Ecco perchè ingrassa Ronaldo
La tendenza ad ingrassare di Ronaldo è colpa della tiroide. MilanLab ha scoperto una disfunzione nella ghiandola dell'attaccante brasiliano, che ora potrà essere curato per tornare agli splendori di un tempo.
MilanLab: Ecco perchè ingrassa Ronaldo
martedì 14 agosto 2007
Una storia d'altri tempi
"Mi pagate? Allora non vengo"
Ha suscitato curiosità la notizia del giovane dilettante inglese, Duncan Williams (19), che ha rifiutato importanti offerte da club come Everton, Middlesbrough e Bolton, per non diventare un professionista e ricevere così del denaro per dare calci ad un pallone. Williams gioca e si diverte nel Garforth Town, squadra di prima categoria, e non vuole assolutamente che un passatempo si tramuti in in lavoro. Il sogno di ogni ragazzino che ami il calcio è dunque per Duncan una prospettiva da evitare: "Voglio essere il primo calciatore a non ricevere uno stipendio - ha riferito al Times - Non è giusto essere pagati per qualcosa che è divertimento, quando c'è gente che viene uccisa in giro per il mondo".
domenica 12 agosto 2007
Bye-bye Cerchietto!
Marco Storari lascia il Milan per la Spagna. Il portiere pisano classe '77 passa infatti al Levante. L'accordo è valido per due stagioni e Storari già questa sera sarà a Valencia, dove lunedì sosterrà le visite mediche, prima di venire presentato nella sala stampa dello stadio del club.
Calcio estero,
Saranno famosi?,
sabato 11 agosto 2007
For it's an old grand team to play for...
Nakamura è sempre lui!
Ricomincia la Scottish Premier League, e ricomincia a segnare il genio giapponese. A segno, contro il Falkirk, anche l'italiano Donati (beh, quasi: ha propiziato un autogol), Kenny Miller e Jan Vennegoor of Hesselink. Dopo lo zero a zero della scorsa settimana (con Nakamura fuori dall'11 titolare, appena tornato dalla Coppa Asia) una convincente prestazione dei campioni di Scozia, pronti a ribadire il proprio dominio su Highlands e castelli stregati.
Update: Eccovi i gol dell'incontro.
Update: Eccovi i gol dell'incontro.
venerdì 10 agosto 2007
Domenech vs Platini
PARIGI (Francia), 10 agosto 2007 - Raymond Domenech potrebbe essere sanzionato dall'Uefa dopo avere accusato ieri, in un'intervista al quotidiano Le Parisien, l'arbitro Cardoso Cortez Batista di essere stato "comprato" in occasione di un incontro di qualificazione del 1999 per le Olimpiadi di Sydney tra la Francia e l'Italia (1-2).
PROVE O SANZIONI - "Si invierà una lettera alla Federcalcio francese perchè il signor Domenech ci dia prove di ciò che ha dichiarato", ha sentenziato al quotidiano L'Equipe Michel Platini, presidente dell'UEFA, attualmente in vacanza a Cassis. "Se non ci sono prove sarà sanzionato", ha aggiunto l'ex fuoriclasse della Juventus.
Per la prima volta nella mia vita, sto dalla parte di Platini. Brrr.
sabato 4 agosto 2007
Sergio Zavoli parla di ciclismo
Su Liberazione di oggi, bella e lunga intervista a Sergio Zavoli sul ciclismo.
L'eccezionale giornalista rievoca l'invenzione dello splendido "Processo alla tappa", parlando dell'Italia e dello sport d'allora, con citazioni di poeti e scrittori.
Dall'intervista, questo stralcio.
D: L'ultimo campione vero del ciclismo?
R: Chi può dirne il nome? Coppi, certamente, per la sua visione epica, quasi metafisica, della corsa; Bartali, per la consapevolezza, forse un pò bigotta, che si vince solo soffrendo; Merckx, per le corse che non ha voluto vincere; Pantani, perché sarebbe stato grande anche senza il suo demone. Non certo Armstrong, che vinto sette Tour senza aggiudicarsi una tappa di montagna!
L'eccezionale giornalista rievoca l'invenzione dello splendido "Processo alla tappa", parlando dell'Italia e dello sport d'allora, con citazioni di poeti e scrittori.
Dall'intervista, questo stralcio.
D: L'ultimo campione vero del ciclismo?
R: Chi può dirne il nome? Coppi, certamente, per la sua visione epica, quasi metafisica, della corsa; Bartali, per la consapevolezza, forse un pò bigotta, che si vince solo soffrendo; Merckx, per le corse che non ha voluto vincere; Pantani, perché sarebbe stato grande anche senza il suo demone. Non certo Armstrong, che vinto sette Tour senza aggiudicarsi una tappa di montagna!
venerdì 3 agosto 2007
Pato è ufficialmente un giocatore del Milan
Sborsata la non tanto modica cifra di 20 milioni di euro, pagata la clausola di rescissione all'Internacional de Porto Alegre, il Milan si porta a casa l'astro nascente del calcio brasileiro: Pato Alexandre. 18 anni tra un mese, Pato è tutto sommato solo tre anni più giovane di quanto era Kakà quando arrivò in rossonero, conquistandosi subito un posto da titolare, e a livello di curriculum può già vantare un mondiale per club vinto contro il Barcellona lo scorso anno. Sarà vera gloria? Vedremo. Di certo, Pato è una scommessa che valeva la pena di fare. E devo dire che mi fanno un pò ridere i tifosi che si lamentano della spesa di 20 milioni per un giovane, e allo stesso tempo si lamentano a ogni piè sospinto dell'età media della rosa milanista, a sentire loro troppo alta...
In ogni caso, nel calcio le azioni valgono più di mille parole, quindi... Enjoy!
In ogni caso, nel calcio le azioni valgono più di mille parole, quindi... Enjoy!
giovedì 2 agosto 2007
I 50 migliori insulti sportivi
L'immagine è doverosamente in fondo al post
(tratto dal Times on line di oggi)
Qui è riportata solo la Top 5, per venire incontro alla vostra pazienza nello scorrere il post.
A highly subjective list of some of the witty, cutting or downright weird things that sportsmen have said. Some hit the spot, while others backfired.
5 "Hands up if you think we're boring."
Not a great quote but this headline from the Sydney Daily Telegraph, above a picture of the England rugby team saluting their fans after beating France in the 2003 World Cup final, gets a high place in the list simply because of the result in the next match. Hands up who cares if we were boring?
4 "So how are your wife and my kids?" "The wife's fine, the kids are retarded."
An exchange between Rod Marsh, the Australia wicketkeeper, and Ian Botham, the England all-rounder
3 "You were a crap player, you are a crap manager. The only reason I have any dealings with you is that somehow you are manager of my country and you're not even Irish, you English ****. You can stick it up your bollocks."
What Roy Keane allegedly said to Mick McCarthy, the Ireland manager, that got him sent home from the 2002 World Cup. Keane is now a responsible Premier League manager.
2 "Why are you so fat?" "Because every time I f*** your wife she gives me a biscuit."
Exchange between Glenn McGrath, the Australia bowler, and Eddo Brandes, the large Zimbabwean cricketer.
1 Whatever Marco Materazzi said about Zinedine Zidane’s sister
Or his mother or terrorism. No one is quite sure what the Italy defender actually said during the 2006 World Cup final, but Materazzi's insult rile Zidane so much that he headbutted him in the chest and was sent off.
(tratto dal Times on line di oggi)
Qui è riportata solo la Top 5, per venire incontro alla vostra pazienza nello scorrere il post.
A highly subjective list of some of the witty, cutting or downright weird things that sportsmen have said. Some hit the spot, while others backfired.
5 "Hands up if you think we're boring."
Not a great quote but this headline from the Sydney Daily Telegraph, above a picture of the England rugby team saluting their fans after beating France in the 2003 World Cup final, gets a high place in the list simply because of the result in the next match. Hands up who cares if we were boring?
4 "So how are your wife and my kids?" "The wife's fine, the kids are retarded."
An exchange between Rod Marsh, the Australia wicketkeeper, and Ian Botham, the England all-rounder
3 "You were a crap player, you are a crap manager. The only reason I have any dealings with you is that somehow you are manager of my country and you're not even Irish, you English ****. You can stick it up your bollocks."
What Roy Keane allegedly said to Mick McCarthy, the Ireland manager, that got him sent home from the 2002 World Cup. Keane is now a responsible Premier League manager.
2 "Why are you so fat?" "Because every time I f*** your wife she gives me a biscuit."
Exchange between Glenn McGrath, the Australia bowler, and Eddo Brandes, the large Zimbabwean cricketer.
1 Whatever Marco Materazzi said about Zinedine Zidane’s sister
Or his mother or terrorism. No one is quite sure what the Italy defender actually said during the 2006 World Cup final, but Materazzi's insult rile Zidane so much that he headbutted him in the chest and was sent off.
mercoledì 1 agosto 2007
Uno sguardo sulla Asian Cup 4
è ufficiale...
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